TAX SEARCH  Cart (0) Return to Main Menu MyBerk Customer Portal HAB-MISC Balance Inquiry

This search can be used to determine the current balance of a specific account for Real Estate Tax, Per Capita and / or Occupation Assessment Tax and Utility Fees / Services. All obligations may not be present on this site. Please allow up to 10 business days for a payment to be posted. This balance is not a Tax Certification and should not be used for that purpose, however you may be able to purchase a Tax Certification in the Details popup.

If the above information is not available you may search by Parcel / Map ID. This search will only return results for Real Estate Taxes. For assistance on how to enter the Parcel / Map ID for your county, please view the Help for this section.


If the above information is not available you may search by Mailing Address / PO Box and Zip Code. This search will only return results for Real Estate Taxes. If you cannot pull up your account after viewing the Help on this page, please contact us.
